Tuesday, September 23, 2008

FREE ePortfolio from Epsilen.com

www.epsilen.com allows you to create a free eportfolio. The service is free for all registered students and faculty of US colleges and universities.
The idea is to allow users to play with the product with the hopes that someday the institution will get a full capacity institutional license. This might be a good alternative to what we have now, called "Faculty Web Pages." So feel free to use the tools and make a web page. Some of the features include:
  • Create and maintain a professional ePortfolio
  • Engage in professional and social networking
  • Showcase scholarly work and other documents in a wide range of formats
  • Develop and share resumes
  • Store and share files/objects
  • Use Epsilen e-mail, blog, wiki, and other communication and collaboration tools
  • Create and participate in professional collaboration groups
  • Produce a personal ePortfolio Web site with profile, photos and video
If CSM becomes, a licensed Epsilen institution, your free ePortfolio will integrate dynamically with the more sophisticated tools and services that accompany the paid license.

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