Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Innovative Approach to Digital Media Training & Support

From Campus Technology, August 2008, 2008 Innovations article

At Ball State University they have a unique way of introducing more digital technology into the curriculum by developing a Digital Corps. Digital Corps is a student labor pool that works alongside faculty on media projects. In return students of the Digital Corps are offered training, conferences and even Adobe Certified Expert/Adobe Certified Associate programs. As a result the students in the labor pool are certified and get real world experiences, a win win situation for students and faculty.

According to Jonathan Blake Huer, director of the Digital Corps, "The biggest problem has been retaining students. As they ahve mastered their respective crafts, they have been recruited by outside companies ans also by other units within the university."

An innovative program like this would be a benefit to both faculty and staff and the campus as a whole because of the access to more digital media.


Unknown said...

love this idea! The Univ of Central Fla has a similar group called the "Tech Rangers" - I think they are also paid.

David Pollock said...

This is a win-win situation, and I think, a rather obvious thing to do (of course I am not in a position to have implemented it, so it's easy for me to make that evaluation). What a tremendous thing to have that kind of skill development as well as a portfolio upon graduation.