Monday, June 30, 2008

Welcome Distance Learning Certificate Members

I wanted to be the first to post a response because, frankly, I would like the activity in my blog. I started the blog a few months ago as an attempt to provide an avenue to discuss material regarding technology in the classroom to our faculty. My goal is to help faculty embrace technology and assist them to implement the latest and greatest technologies to bring new levels of learning to their students. So far, none of my faculty have responded to my postings and it gets a little discouraging to see my efforts go unnoticed.

I hope you find some of the entries in this blog useful, especially the links to the podcasts. I find these podcasts convenient to listen to when I am jogging.

Our distance learning community is unique in the community college setting. We deliver over 150 courses a year taught by more than 50 instructors. Right now we offer 25% of our courses as distance learning. We use Blackboard CE6 for our Learning Management System (LMS). Blackboard bought out WebCT a couple years ago and as a result the company plans to produce a hybrid version of both products next year.

A good majority of these courses are taught by part-time instructors who typically hold down a job during the day and use the weekends and evenings to facilitate their online classes.

As the Instructional Technology Coordinator, one of my goals is to make myself, and my services available to the part-time faculty as well as the full-time faculty. This blog is an example of a tool developed to provide a forum of communicating with instructors at a distance. This blog is in addition to other methods of communication which include outdated e-mail list, word-of-mouth, web sites, telephones and department mailings.

With the goal of this blog to enhance communication with the part-time faculty, I question if they are prepared to embrace such a tool. Obviously, communication is important, especially in the academia environment. We all deal with the issue of communication obstacles between the administrators and faculty. Do you have any ideas on how to facilitate better communication with faculty?

Monday, June 16, 2008


Below is a list of Educational Podcast that will benefit our faculty:

Homeschool Habitat Podcast
Homeschool Habitat Podcast
by Homeschool Habitat

Homeschool news, reviews, and mini-lessons
for the kids!

Speaking of History........ Podcast
Speaking of History........ Podcast
by Eric Langhorst

Hello. Speaking of History is a blog and
web site maintained by an 8th grade
American History teacher in Missouri who
attempts to use technology to enhance
the curriculum.

Teach42 Podcast
Teach42 Podcast
by Steve Dembo

Teah42 is a podcast about education,
technology and educational technology!
This show provides insight into current
trends, educational issues and all the
latest innovations that can be incorporated
into and educational environment.

BLOG-EFL Podcast
BLOG-EFL Podcast
by Graham Stanley

Observations and comments on the
use of weblogs, emerging technologies &
e-learning tools for English Language
Teaching (EFL & ESL).

6by7 Reports Podcast
6by7 Reports Podcast
by Gary Dietz

6by7 Reports discusses problems,
solutions, and the people and organizations
that came together to address educational
and technology issues.

Wisconsin Center for Education Research News Podcast
Wisconsin Center for Education Research
News Podcast

by Paul Baker

Part of the University of Wisconsin
Madison's School of Education, the Wisconsin
Center for Education Research is one of the
oldest, largest, and most productive
education research centers in the world.

Connect Learning Podcast
Connect Learning Podcast
by David Warlick

Regular wanderings into the world of
21st century teaching and learning.

Learnitology Podcast
Learnitology Podcast
by Chris Clark

A project of the Learning Technology Lab
at the University of Notre Dame. The goal
is to encourage faculty to explore the use
of technology in their courses.

One Big Head Podcast
One Big Head Podcast
by Jeff Moore

Observations, philosophy, opinions,
unsubstantiated rumors, flotsam and
jetsam--the desk of a typical educational
technology specialist.

Tech Chick Tips Podcast
Tech Chick Tips Podcast

Tips and tricks for gadgets and software
for your digital life given by two Texas
chicks obsessed with anything digital.

The Greenbush Take2 Podcast
The Greenbush Take2 Podcast

Russ, Rich and Couch cover Greenbush,
Education, and Technology related news
with special weekly guests!

The Tech Teachers Podcast
The Tech Teachers Podcast

Teachers talk